A.J. Fields, S. Nawathe, S.K. Eswaran, M.G. Jekir,
M.F. Adams, P. Papadopoulos, and T.M. Keaveny
J. Bone Mineral Res., 27, pp. 2152-2158, (2012)
The mechanisms of age-related vertebral fragility remain unclear, but may
be related to the
degree of “structural redundancy” of the vertebra, that is, its ability to
safely redistribute stress
internally after local trabecular failure from an isolated mechanical
overload. To better
understand this issue, we performed biomechanical testing and non-linear
micro-CT-based finite
element analysis on 12 elderly human thoracic ninth vertebral bodies (ages
76.9 ± 10.8 years).
After experimentally overloading the vertebrae to measure strength, we
used the nonlinear finite
element analysis to estimate the amount of failed tissue and understand
failure mechanisms. We
found that the amount of failed tissue per unit bone mass decreased with
decreasing bone volume
fraction (r2 = 0.66, p < 0.01). Thus, for the weak vertebrae with low bone
volume fraction,
overall failure of the vertebra occurred after failure of just a tiny
proportion of the bone tissue (<
5%). This small proportion of failed tissue had two sources: the existence
of fewer vertically
oriented load paths to which load could be redistributed from failed
trabeculae; and the
vulnerability of the trabeculae in these few load paths to undergo
bending-type failure
mechanisms, which further weaken the bone. Taken together, these
characteristics suggest that
diminished structural redundancy may be an important aspect of age-related
vertebral fragility:
vertebrae with low bone volume fraction are highly susceptible to collapse
since so few
trabeculae are available for load redistribution if the external loads
cause any trabeculae to fail.
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